bike calculator.


What do you want to calculate?

Time :

tell us your speed & distance and we’ll estimate your time to complete the ride

Speed :

tell us your distance and time and we’ll tell you the avg. speed you need to make it

Distance :

tell us the time you’d like to bike for and avg. speed and we’ll figure out the total distance of your ride


How far are you biking?

How fast do you plan to bike?

If you maintain an avg. speed of 15 mph you will complete your 25 mile bike ride in:

1 hours and
15 minutes


How far are you biking?

How long do you plan to bike?

To complete a 25 mile bike ride in 50 minutes you will need to bike at a speed of:

25 mph


How long do you plan to bike?

How fast do you plan to bike?

If you bike for 50 min at an average speed of 12 mph you will travel a total distance of:

25 miles
